Isn't that precious..
320 million Americans, maybe 5% give a rats rump... 7 Billion on the planet 80% of which are hand to mouth.
Look at pollution in China, search pollution in India., no I mean really research, look a pictures and read stories....
So while you're texting with your ipad/pod/watch/device; Foxconn in China- the company that builds your beloved little idevices - employs just shy of 1 million workers - including children, chained to desks, nets on the buildings to catch the suicide jumpers...
stroll through a 7-11.. see those cutesie little beedies (the flavored cigarette sized cigars usually by the check out) - those are hand rolled in India by children sold by their parents into indentured servitude as young as 5.
Look at the American south west desert where children play on radio active tombs housing 1950's test waste...
Search youtube and for '7 dwarves lie to Congress' in which the CEO's of big tobacco systematically lie under oath before congress. The exact same pattern that kept lead based paint used in American homes till 1976, knowing it causes brain damage and outlawed in Europe in the 1940s....
Look at slurry used for fracking - courtesy of Dick Chenney's company - the same Richard who pushed through an energy bill that exempted oil and gas companies from any harm to existing or future EPA laws...
Take a drive around the American cost line... all 5-40 above sea level, all hugely productive agriculture and food distribution infrastructure - and all will be underwater in 100 years... where is the replacement land to grow food for the 7 billion (or 10 billion by then) mouths?
Search google for the ogallala aquifer - in a mere 60 years of industrial farming, the entire swath of the midwest growing breadbasket from N Dakota to Texas has consumed and estimated 50% of a water supply that takes 10's of thousands of years to recharge....
Guess what, the water to grow most of this countries food is gone in 50 years or the land it grows on is past the new beach front.
For the first time in recorded history, there is ZERO snowpack in the California mountains.
Trends baby, trends, and they're all telln the same story.
For the first time in recorded history, there is ZERO snowpack in the California mountains.
Trends baby, trends, and they're all telln the same story.
Dude... we've got some big arse problems to solve - it's not just how animals are treated, but we're really, really crappy about how we treat other humans - and I've not even touched yet the growing religious extremism and it's physical abuses and disfigurement of women...
and really... you want me to worry about a chicken or pig that may be in a small cage??
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